Dacă în articolele anterioare am aflat informații interesante despre personalități care au marcat într-un fel sau altul construcția Cetății de tip Vauban de la Alba Iulia, în acest articol vom descoperi păreri ale turiștilor străini care au vizitat de curând Cetatea noastră.
Poate unii cetățeni ai urbei nu conștientizează frumusețea și importanța locului în care viețuiesc. Acest articol le este adresat în special lor, vreau să scot în evidență cât de apreciată este Cetatea la nivel internațional de către oameni care sunt aproape turiști de meserie.
Spun aproape turiști de meserie pentru că recenziile pe care le veți citi în cele ce urmează au fost selectate de pe cel mai renumit portal internațional de recomandări turistice –
TripAdvisor.com83 dintre turiștii care au vizitat Cetatea au votat-o ca fiind o destinație excelentă, 19 dintre ei ca fiind o destinație foarte bună, și unei singure persoane destinația i s-a părut de nivel mediu.
Recenziile au fost scrise în limba engleză, eu le-am ales pe primele 6, restul de aproximativ 100 le puteți citi
O să vreau să vă implicați și voi în acest articol și să votăm 3 cele mai bune recenzii dintre cele 6.
Pe cele 3 o să le și traducem în limba română într-un articol următor.
Lăsați un comentariu cu cele 3 recenzii care v-au plăcut:
Reviewed March 17, 2013I reached to Alba by last week. Between Citadel and city, there is no big distance by walking. Alba county, surrounded by this beautiful citadel that could be seen from all city. Entrance and statues and monuments remind us of old-greek style. It did not build by saxon style. Cuz it has big columns,and a lot soldiers and hero’s monuments made of bronz on the way. If your way happens to pass there, don’t neglect to stop by and see all this massive settlement.
Reviewed May 5, 2015 NEWThe most important attraction in Alba Iulia. You can go for long walks within the citadel and you can admire the perfectly preserved walls and buildings. Not to miss the churches inside the citadel. If you are lucky you can catch the change of guards. There also a lot of souvenir and food stands.
Reviewed April 28, 2015Seriously one of the most amazing places you can visit in Alba. Take a walk around the fortress with your partner, family, or friends. There is quite a bit to see if you really take it all in. And it’s a great place to take photos.
Sometimes they have events you can watch or take part in.
Along they way, you can buy souvenirs or even sit down for a bite to eat at a variety of places. Overall it’s a must visit place if you find yourself in Alba-Iulia.
Reviewed April 28, 2015I enjoyed the two churches, one Orthodox, the other one Catholic, right next to each other.
The citadel is huge, don’t forget to visit it underneath where you can find nice alleys where you can walk, bike or roll skating or have a drink at a nice restaurant or hidden pub between the walls. It gives a nice view over the city and the surroundings, you need at least 2-3 hours to visit it all. Just amazing.
Reviewed March 27, 2015It is the best, really!
You should visit it on 1st December, on Romania National Day, to see the show, music & dance, the military parade, the lights, great people and atmosphere, great wine.
Try also the free guided tour to discover the history of Romania and see the first apartment block flat that was moved, (4 floors tall, with the people insight the apartments) just to create a bigger boulevard 🙂
Reviewed March 1, 2015This citadel was restored and now seems to be brand new. They invested even in people dressed as guards that change shifts at noon. After I’ve visited this I’ve also visited Montjuïc Castle in Barcelona Spain and the Alba Iulia seems bigger. This is one of the best things to visit in Romania so just go there and visit
Recenziile mele preferatele mele sunt 4, 5, 6.
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